Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

To Customize DFS Operations

  1. Create an XML file (for example: lightpole.xml) containing the custom rules as above.
  2. In Bentley Geospatial Administrator, right-click the Workspace > MyWorkspace > Files section and select Add.

    The Define File Category dialog opens.

  3. In the Define File Category dialog, enter DFS Rules in the Category section.

    The DFS Rules is then used to copy the custom DFS rules XML meta data file as part of the Export process.

  4. In the project structure, create a "dfs" folder and place any DFS rule files in that folder.
  5. Right-click the new DFS Rules files entry and select Add > Workspace.

    The Add Workspace File dialog opens.

  6. In the Add Workspace File dialog, add an entry to copy the custom dfs_LightPole.xml file.
  7. In the Workspace > MyWorkspace > Macros section, add an entry for the MS_GEOXFM_DYNAMICFEATURESCORING_FILES configuration variable.
  8. Saved, export and run the XFM project.

    The new rules will be used to modify the behavior of the Dynamic Feature Scoring System.